
December 15 - TVM Tutorial Day

TitleTime (PST)TrackSpeakersOrganization
Introduction to TVM with TVMC: A Command-Line Driver for TVM9:00 amUser TutorialSpeakers: Leandro Nunes
Gustavo Romero
Organization: Arm, Linaro
Introduction to TVM with the Python/TVMC Interface10:30 amUser TutorialSpeakers: Jocelyn ShiueOrganization: OctoML
Understanding TensorIR: An Abstraction for Tensorized Program Optimization11:00 amUser TutorialSpeakers: Siyuan FengOrganization: Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Using Swift and Apache TVM to Develop ML Apps for the Apple Ecosystem12:45 pmUser TutorialSpeakers: Iliya SlavutinOrganization: Deelvin Solutions
Optimizing ML Models for Arduino with microTVM1:00 pmUser TutorialSpeakers: Gavin UbertiOrganization: OctoML
Automating and Simplifying MLPerf Inference Benchmark Submissions with TVM and CK2:00 pmUser TutorialSpeakers: Grigori Fursin
Thomas Zhu
Alexander Peskov
Organization: OctoML

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December 16 - TVMCon Day 1

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December 17 - TVMCon Day 2

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